Dental Market is proud of the Italian Origin of its products: actually around the 90% of the articles in the catalogue is Made In Italy. Producing in Italy means to choose first quality raw materials and it means also to take care of every detail to have a final product of good quality. Moreover it means to be able to guarantee to our customers a unbeatable relationship quality-price and a constant control of quality on the whole manufacturing process.Our decennial experience united to the quality of the Made in Italy allows us to innovate but to be always reliable, to shorten the times of production keeping high quality standards, to balance great productions to the precision of handicraft.Since we focus on an international market, Made in Italy for us it’s above all a guarantee for our customers to find in our products that values that historically have been combined to quality, high specialization, differentiation and style.
Sede Legale: Via Sarzanese 1252 - 55054 - Bozzano Massarosa LU - Tel. +39 0584 976252 - Fax. 0584 976253
Sede Operativa: Via San Pieretto 24/26 - 55060 - Guamo LU - Tel. +39 0583 1900385 - Fax. 0583 1900386
Numero REA LU – 129350 - Capitale sociale in Euro: 52.000,00
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